and = ale..
and above all = nigadv kaliwohi
and also = ale utloyasdi
and also = ulenu
and assure you = gvyoidaneha
and assure you that = gvyoidane nasgi
and examined = ale atsigoliyedv
and forward = ale anigisdodi
and have been = ale nulistanv
and have taken = ale agigisv
and (hno - suffixed) = ale
and (hno if suffixed) = ale
and hope you have receiv...ed = aquohiyu tsagisv
and i am = ale ayv
and i am glad = ale galieliga
and i am glad to say = ayv galieliga tsinegv
and i am pleased = ale degadanilvga
and i am pleased to say = ayv galieliga tsinitsiwea
and i assure you = ale ayv gvyoidaneha
and i have = ale agiha
and i was = ale ayv gesv
and i will expect = ale udugi aquvsesdi
and in reply = ale aquohiliyvsv
and in reply will say = hia nidatsiwesi gawoiliyvsgv
and in reply will state = ale datsineistani gawohiliyvsv
and in reply would like = ale gawoiliyvsv dvquadulvhi
and noted = ale gowelanvhi
and oblige = ale adalihelitesedi
and, or, but = ale
and return = ale nidayutsvda
and (see also or, but) = ale
and shall be = ale nidagalistani
and shall be glad = ale degalielitsi
and shall be glad to have = ale dagalielitsi agvi
and then = nogwule
and which certainly = ale tsinudohiyu
and which may = ale yinvgalisda
and will be credited = ale ayosdodi atsitugv
and will be governed = ale asdawadvsdi
and will be guided = ale asdawadisesdi
and you? = nee nah
and you = nihina
and you? = nihina, nihinahv
Me/I=a yv (ah yuh)
You=nihi (nee hee)
We=i tsu la (ee jew lah)
Man=a s ga ya (ah sgah yah)
...Woman=a ge yv (ah gay hyuh) (hhh sound in there)
Offspring(my)=a que tsi (ah kway jee)
Son/Boy=a tsu tsa (ah jew/chew jah/chah)
Son(my)=a tsu tsa * a que tsi
(ah jew/chew jaw/chah * ah kway jee)
Girl=a ge yv tsa (ah gay yuh jaw/chaw)
Daughter=u we tsi a ge yv (oo way jee * ah gay yuh)
Child=a yo tli (ah yoe htlee)
Children=di ni yo tli (dee nee yoe htlee) (hhh sound in there)
Aunt=e lo gi (ay lo gee)
Uncle=e du tsi (ay doo jee)
Father=e do da (ay doe dah)
Father(my) a gi do da (ah gee do dah)
Mother=e tsi (ay jee)
Mother(my)=u tsi (oo jee)
Grandfather=e du da (ay doo dah)
Grandmother=e li si (ay lee see)
Chief=u gv wi yu hi (oo guh wee yoo hee)
Ouch!=a yo (ah yoe)
Energy= nu li ni gv gv (noo lee nee guh guh)
Medicine=nv wo ti (nuh woe tee)
Happy=a li he li sdi (ah lee hay lee sdee)
Welcome=u li he li sdi (oo lee hay lee sdee)
Welcome=tsi lu gi (jee loo gee)
I welcome you=de gv da ni lv gi (day guh dah nee luh gee)
You are welcome=gv li e li ga (guh lee ay lee gah)
Ok/Alright=howa (hoe wa)
More=u tli i ga i (oo htlee ee gah ee) (hhh sound in there)
Later=o ni ya ge s do di (oh nee yah gay sdo dee)
Nigadv osiyo,,,tohitsu kohiiga
Uha uwoduhi iga ?
nigadv=everyone/all (nee gah duh)
osiyo/siyo=hello (oh see yo/see yo)
t/dohitsu=how are you (t/doe hee jew)
uha=have (oo hah)
kohiiga=today/this day (ko hee ee gah)
iga=day (ee gah)
Hello everyone,,,how are you ?
Have a beautiful day :)
Note: we place the subject first in a sentence.
Examp: My name is Mandie,,in Tsalagi, it is, Mandie is my name.
Like this,,,Mandie daquadoa
daquadoa=my name is (dah quah doe ah)
Hello = Osiyo O-See-O
Thank you = Sgi Ski
We say Osiyo
Posted by Christopher Stewart on March 28, 2023 at 12:58pm 1 Comment 2 Likes
Posted by Christopher Stewart on March 21, 2023 at 12:47pm 0 Comments 1 Like
Posted by Christopher Stewart on March 13, 2023 at 2:24pm 0 Comments 1 Like
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