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thank you for this very good group
Guinea fowl prevent Lyme disease by eating up to 4000 ticks per day
Known by a few names, such as African Pheasant and Guinea Hens, one could also call this African native the “Tick Assassin.”
In their homeland, these loud and prehistoric-looking fowl follow around the grazing herds and reportedly eat up to 4000 ticks a day.
Guinea fowl are relatively low maintenance. In the summertime, guinea will forage all of their food. They eat ticks, fleas, crickets, mosquitos, slugs, grasshoppers and small rodents (basically anything they can get their beaks on) without destroying the yard or garden as chickens do. Flocks of guineas have been known to eat snakes. They also love to eat weeds. A bit of feed in the coop will encourage them to come home at night. Coops can be provided, although flocks will find homes high in treetops, away from the threat of raccoons.
They are also free from most diseases that plague other poultry. They will give warning calls when unknown guests arrive, which helps to protect other farm animals. Their call will also keep unwanted rodents away.
Guinea fowl manure can be added to your compost and is a wonderful addition to nurturing the soil where your food is grown. Your plants will thrive.
Guineas are known for their hardiness, being able to withstand both hot and cold.
While not laying as often as chickens, guinea eggs may still be collected and eaten. Guineas tend to make their nests in hidden areas, so finding their eggs may be an adventure.
When starting your flock, buy your keets from a reputable source.
When starting your guinea flock, it’s best to buy them from keets (babies) so they will know where home is. Imported adult guineas will wander off.
If you have nearby neighbors, it’s best to check in with them, as their squawking can be unbearable for some. However, given their reputation as tick assassins, having them in the neighborhood can be a helpful, healthy alternative to pesticides if you are living in a tick-ridden area.
Bear in mind that guinea meat is also a known delicacy, so if you start your flock and someone complains, you can also have guinea stew.
Medical Supplies For The Barn
If you are raising livestock than you have probably had some sort of animal in your house. Whether it's because they are sick and you are trying to rehabilitate them, or they are needing to be bottle-fed, I'm sure you have turned a room into a small livestock stall.
I have had plenty of chicks in their brooders in the house. I turn my master bathroom into a hospital and nursery quite frequently. I also have had goats and ducks in the house as well. Where do you keep your ill animals or babies you are raising? I always say, “If you haven't had a hen pecking at the shower door while showering, you haven't lived on a farm.” I love my animals and always want them to live a happy life and be treated the best that I can.
When rehabilitating animals that don't fit in the barn, you have to make a choice to cull or do something unorthodox to keep them safe. I am sure there are a lot of opinions on spending time and energy on an animal that has something wrong with it, but when you love animals as I do, the answer seems so simple. How do you handle an animal that you can't put with the others?
There are a lot of reasons that an animal becomes ill and needs medical treatment. There isn't always a vet available when you need one and, when farming, you learn to become the first responder to animals that need medical assistance. A few years ago, I never would have thought I would be able to give animals shots or diagnose different conditions. You learn to read a lot and absorb a lot, and it's wonderful if you have other farmers you can get advice from when you need it.
I have used the Internet as a great resource with helping my animals and figuring out what is wrong with a chicken or when our goat had her first kids. It's been a valuable resource and you can find really helpful information from other farmers and homesteaders.
Feed stores carry a lot of medications and syringes and other medical supplies that you should keep on hand when raising animals. There are pet supply companies on the Internet where you can order supplies and medications as well. Learning what to keep on hand for emergencies is paramount. You never know when you need something quickly.
Items To Have On Hand:
Measuring cup – tsp/oz/ml
Digital thermometer (You should have a chart with what animal you have and what their normal temperature should be.)
Elastic bandage
Cohesive flexible bandage
Gauze pads/sponges
Cloth tape
Scissors and tweezers
Disposable gloves
Betadine Surgical Scrub
Rubbing alcohol
Veterinary lubricant or (KY Jelly)
Hydrogen peroxide
Blood stop powder
Dr. Naylor Blu-Kote Spray
Powder-form antibiotics for poultry
Injectable penicillin
Triple antibiotic ointment
Nursing bottles and appropriate nipples
I am sure there are many other items I could list, but these are items that I have on hand and keep on hand in case of emergencies or if one of my animals falls ill. I believe in doing all that I can to save a life if I can, I want all my animals to be happy and healthy. What do you keep in your medical bag for the barn?
In warmer regions, rain barrels can be used all year long with little maintenance, but in cold climates, winter weather can spell trouble for even the sturdiest rain barrels. As ice expands, hoses split, barrels burst and water flow can be inhibited, causing damage to gutters or fascia.
Preparing a rain barrel for cold weather can help avoid costly expenses. Before freezing temperatures take their toll, taking measures to ensure your rain barrel is protected can save the hassle and expense of replacing parts or even the barrel itself once warm weather returns.
Consider these simple tips to make sure your rain barrel is winter-ready before the deep freeze sets in.
Drain rain barrel by opening all spigots. Once drained, turn the barrel upside down, if possible, to empty it completely. The average rain barrel weighs nearly 500 pounds when full and should be fully drained before attempting to move.
Remove hoses and rain spout diverter and leave faucets open. Hoses split easily in cold weather and should be stored out of the elements until temperatures remain consistently above freezing. Replace rain spout diverter with a flexible extension to redirect downspout away from the house to avoid potential damage to the foundation.
Clear debris from the barrel and the filter screen. An empty barrel is a good opportunity to clear out the muck that can lead to mold and fungus growth.
How to store. If space is available in the garage or basement, storing the barrel inside during winter months can protect it from incidental damage. If left outside, the barrel should be covered with a tarp or turned upside down to prevent water accumulation.
Posted by Christopher Stewart on March 28, 2023 at 12:58pm 1 Comment 2 Likes
Posted by Christopher Stewart on March 21, 2023 at 12:47pm 0 Comments 1 Like
Posted by Christopher Stewart on March 13, 2023 at 2:24pm 0 Comments 1 Like
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