The Medicine Wheel is representative of
American Indian
Spirituality. The Medicine Wheel
symbolizes the individual journey
that each must take to find their own
path. Within the Medicine
Wheel are The Four Cardinal Directions
and the Four Sacred Colors.
The Circle represents the Circle of Life
and the Center of the
Circle, the Eternal Fire. The Eagle,
flying toward the East, is a
symbol of strength, endurance and vision.
East signifies the
renewal of life and the rebirth of Sioux
unity. RED was symbolic of
success. It was the color of the War Club
used to strike an enemy
in battle as well as the other club used
by the warrior to shield
himself. Red Beads were used to conjure
the Red Spirit to insure
long life, recovery from sickness,
success in love and ball play or
any other undertaking where the benefit
of the magic spell was
wrought. The red spirits lived in the
West. BLACK was always
typical of death. The soul of the enemy
was continually beaten
about by black war clubs and enveloped in
a black fog. In conjuring
to destroy an enemy, the priest used
black beads and invoked the
black spirits-which always lived in the
West,-bidding them to tear
out the man's soul and carry it to the
South, and put it into the
Black Coffin deep in the Black Mud, with
a Black Serpent coiled
above it. BLUE symbolized failure,
disappointment, or unsatisfied
desire. To say "they shall never become
blue" expressed the belief
that they would never fail in anything
they undertook. In love
charms, the lover figuratively covered
himself with red and prayed
that his rival would become entirely blue
and walk in a blue path.
"He is entirely blue, " approximates
meaning of the common English
phrase, "He feels blue. "The blue spirits
lived Within. WHITE
denoted peace and happiness. In
ceremonial addresses, as the Green
Corn Dance and ball play, the people
symbolically partook of white
food and, after the dance or game,
returned along the white trail
to their white houses. In love charms,
the man, to induce the woman
to cast her lost with his, boasted, "I am
a white man," implying
that all was happiness where he was.
White beads had the same
meaning in bead conjuring, and white was
the color of the stone
pipe anciently used in ratifying peace
treaties. The White spirits
lived in the North. East = Yellow =
failure North = White =
peace;happiness West = Red = success;
triumph South = Black = death
There are three additional sacred
directions: Up Above = Blue Down
Below= Brown Here in the Center = Green
Two numbers are sacred to
the Native American. The number Four is
one number, it represented
the four primary directions. At the
center of their paths lays the
sacred fire. Seven is the other number
and it is the most sacred.
Seven is represented in the seven
directions: north, south, east,
west, above, bellow, and "here in the
center" the place of the
sacred fire. Seven also represented the
seven ancient ceremonies
that formed the yearly Native American
religious cycle. The
medicine wheel is symbolic for the wheel
of life which is forever
evolving and bringing new lessons and
truths to the walking of the
path. The Earthwalk is based on the
understanding that each one of
us must stand on every spoke, of the
great wheel of life many
times, and that every direction is to be
honored. Until you have
walked in others' moccasins, or stood on
their spokes of the wheel,
you will never truly know their hearts.
The medicine wheel teaches
us that all lessons are equal, as are all
talents and abilities.
Every living creature will one day see
and experience each spoke of
the wheel, and know those truths. It is a
pathway to truth, peace
and harmony. The circle is never ending,
life without end. In
experiencing the Good Red Road, one
learns the lessons of physical
life, or of being human. This road runs
South to North in the
circle of the medicine wheel. After the
graduation experience of
death, one enters the Blue or Black Road,
that is the world of the
grandfathers and grandmothers. In spirit,
one will continue to
learn by counseling those remaining on
the Good Red Road. The Blue
Road of the spirit runs East to West. The
medicine wheel is life,
afterlife, rebirth and the honoring of
each step along the way. The
medicine wheel is sacred, the native
people believe, because the
Great Spirit caused everything in nature
to be round. The Sun, Sky,
Earth and Moon are round. Thus, man
should look upon the Medicine
Wheel (circle of life) as sacred. It is
the symbol of the circle
that marks the edge of the world and
therefore, the Four Winds that
travel there. It is also the symbol of
the year. The Sky, the
Night, and the Moon go in a circle above
the Sky, therefore, the
Circle is symbolic of these divisions of
time. It is the symbol of
all times throughout creation. Man Made
Structures But The Medicine
wheels are also stone structures built by
the natives of North
America for various spiritual and ritual
purposes. Appearing mostly
in The Northern United States and
Southern Canada, medicine wheels
were built by laying out stones in a
circular pattern that often
looked like a wagon wheel lying on its
side. The wheels could be
large, reaching diameters of 75 feet.
Although archeologists aren't
exactly sure what each one was used for,
it is thought that they
probably had ceremonial or astronomical
significance. Medicine
wheels are still used today in the Native
American spirituality,
however most of the meaning behind them
is not shared among
non-Native peoples. History Erecting
massive stone structures is a
well-documented activity of ancient man,
from the Egyptian pyramids
to Stonehenge, and the natives of
Northern America are no different
in this regard. What does separate them
from the rest is how
non-intrusive their structures were.
Unlike the usual towering
stone monoliths, the natives simply laid
down lots of stones on the
earth in certain arrangements. One of the
more obscure arrangements
is the medicine wheel. Medicine wheels
appear all over northern
United States and southern Canada,
specifically North and South
Dakota, Wyoming, Montana, Alberta, and
Saskatchewan. Most of the
wheels have been found in Alberta and
Wyoming. In all over 180
medicine wheels have been found. One of
the prototypical medicine
wheels is in within the Bighorn National
Forest in Big Horn County,
Wyoming. This 75 foot diameter wheel has
28 spokes, and is part of
a vast set of old Native American sites
that document 17,000 years
of their history in that area.
Construction Medicine wheels were
constructed by laying stones in a
particular pattern on the ground.
Most medicine wheels follow the basic
pattern of having a center
cairn of stones, and surrounding that
would be an outer ring of
stones, then there would be "spokes", or
lines of rocks, coming out
the cairn. Almost all medicine wheels
would have at least two of
the three elements mentioned above (the
center cairn, the outer
ring, and the spokes), but beyond that
there were many variations
on this basic design, and every wheel
found has been unique and has
had its own style and eccentricities.
Deviations The most common
deviation between different wheels are
the spokes. There is no set
number of spokes for a medicine wheel to
have. The spokes within
each wheel are rarely evenly spaced out,
or even all the same
length. Some medicine wheels will have
one particular spoke that's
significantly longer than the rest,
suggesting something important
about the direction it points. Another
variation is whether the
spokes start from the center cairn and go
out only to the outer
ring, or whether they go past the outer
ring, or whether they start
at the outer ring and go out from there.
An odd variation sometimes
found in medicine wheels is the presence
of a passageway, or a
doorway, in the circles. The outer ring
of stones will be broken,
and there will be a stone path leading up
to the center of the
wheel. Also many medicine wheels have
various other circles around
the outside of the wheel, sometimes
attached to spokes or the outer
ring, and sometimes just seemingly
floating free of the main
A 'standard' Medicine Wheel (if there is
such a thing!) consists of between twelve and thirty-six
It all depends on the depth of knowledge
of the person for whom the Wheel is constructed.
The breakdown of a thirty-five stone
Medicine Wheel is as follows:
The Central
Feature is the Sacred
This is where the Flame of Life burns.
It is the 'Many
worlds' Gateway..
It contains the Embers of the Essential Person - the
deepest inner soul.
Thus The Sacred Fire can also be called The
The Four
Direction Stones (stones
North (Warrior), East (Teacher), South (Healer), West (Visionary)
(within these stones are the four
colors of the Human Race; These stones sit at the four corners of
the Sacred Fire.
The Legend of
Spirit Keepers
~ (stone 1)
~ (stone 2)
~ (stone 3)
~ (stone 4)~ Mudjekeewis ~ Great Bear~ Shawnodese ~ Coyote~ Wabun ~
Golden Eagle~
Waboose ~ White
stones surround the Sacred Fire. (stones 5-11)
of Air ~ (stone
Element of
Water ~ (stone 6)
Sun ~ (stone 7)
Earth ~ (stone 8)
Moon ~ (stone 9)
of Fire ~ (stone
Element of
Earth ~ (stone
stones exist between each Direction on the outer perimeter of
the circle:
of the North: (stones
first moon of Waboose ~ The
Powerhouse ~ The Snow
second moon of Waboose ~ The
Humanitarian ~ The
third moon of Waboose ~ The
Mystic ~ The
of the East: (stones
first moon of Wabun ~ The
Pioneer ~ The
Red-tailed Hawk
second moon of Wabun ~ The
Builder ~ The
third moon of Wabun ~ The
Dancer ~ The
of the South: (stones
first moon of Shawnodese ~
The Homemaker ~ The
second moon of Shawnodese ~
The Lover ~ The
third moon of Shawnodese ~
The Analyst ~ The
Brown Bear
of the West: (stones
first moon of Mudjekeewis ~
The Negotiator ~ The
second moon of Mudjekeewis ~
The Prophet ~ The
third moon of Mudjekeewis ~
The Teacher ~ The
And Finally The
Three Spirit Pathways between each direction and the Sacred
Waboose: And The Northern Path, The Gifts and Totems
(stones 24-26)
Cleansing and The Raccoon2: Renewal
and The Earthworm3: Purity and The
Wabun: And The Eastern Path, The Gifts and Totems
(stones 27-29)
1: Clarity
and The Hummingbird2: Wisdom
and The Owl3:
Illumination and The Firefly
Shawnodese: And The Southern Path, The Gifts and Totems
(stones 30-32)
1: Growth and The Rabbit
2: Trust and The Salmon
3: Love and The Wolf
Mudjekeewis: And The Western Path, The Gifts and Totems
(stones 33-35)
1: Experience and The Whale
2: Introspection and The Mouse
3: Strength and The Ant
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