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September 29 - Daily Feast

Certain sounds and fragrances come through more clearly in autumn than any other time. It is always satisfying to take a thermos of coffee and a sweet roll and disappear into the countryside just to sit and absorb the unending wonders of nature. Beneath the bent grasses in the meadow is new growth of plants that will survive the winter. Mullein that is called Indian tobacco spreads its broad furry leaves and will grow low until spring. All along the paths are wild turkey tracks and tracks that appear to be small palm prints but belong to the raccoon. Red tail hawks ride the currents overhead and a flock of gulls turn silver as they move swiftly. It is autumn but it is even more. This is life that gives us peace.

~ Holy Mother Earth the trees and all nature are witness to your thoughts and deeds. ~


'A Cherokee Feast of Days Volume II' by Joyce Sequichie Hifler


Elder's Meditation of the Day - September 29

"So I prayed but I had to pray from my heart. All of my concentration and thoughts went from my head to my heart. All of my senses - hearing smell taste and feeling - were connected to my heart."

Wallace Black Elk LAKOTA

The heart is the gateway to the Unseen World to the Spirit World. It takes real concentration to do this. To connect to our own heart is also a mental state. It starts in the head and transitions to the heart. This mental state is our inner stillness. Be still and know. This place of the heart is very joyous and peaceful. It is this place that we become one with God our Creator.

Great Spirit teach me to be a heart warrior.


By Joyce Sequichie Hifler

To have the desire to quit in the face of despair is not a new story. As long as time people have wanted to give up when something hindered their progress. But such adversity is sometimes the right time for people to become acquainted with themselves.

It has been written that a smooth sea does not make a skillful mariner. The storms of human lifelike those of the seas awaken us to sharpening our abilities and strengthening us to overcome these present storms to the point where we seldom have to face them again. Most of living is a lesson and the sooner we learn to study and develop the sooner we are rid of the teacher.

But in the words of Jeremy Taylor"It is impossible for that man to despair who remembers that his Helper is omnipotent." And it is impossible for people not to progress if they acknowledge their Helper in the most minute details of their lives.

Prepared for the worst? Forget it! Only worry prepares for the worst. If problems come to you meet them with courage when they arrive. And worry has never produced courage. Faith produces courage and keeps us from crossing all those unnecessary bridges. In fact we cross bridges that have never been in existence and have no strength except that which we give them by constant preparation for something that isn't good.

Promise yourself to cross no bridges this day except those you find immediately before you. And nine times out of ten they will lead only to happiness.

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