My Friend died Monday and I was at his side and then at his Funeral….


November 15 - Daily Feast


Walking in a garden is little different from walking into a room full of people. Color, shape, size, all play a part - and the more varied, the greater the interest. Only a few dominate the garden, and they are not always the prettiest. Some are herbs and serve as good medicine, while others stand in pretty little groups and dance in the breezes. Each of us is a part of the garden. Do we add or detract? Are we fragrant and do we require sunlight or can we survive in the shade? Do we need constant attention or are we perennial - faithful to our place and doing our best to bloom?


~ Two branches of the ancient Cherokee has become essential to the general welfare that a union should be formed. ~




'A Cherokee Feast of Days, Volume II' by Joyce Sequichie Hifler




Elder's Meditation of the Day - November 15


"Our Spiritual belief is that we were created as part of the land - so our identity, our names, and our songs are all tied to the land."


Chief Roderick Robinson, NISGA'A


In the traditional way, the names of native people had great meaning. We even had naming ceremonies. The naming of someone was very important and had great significance because it was tied to the Earth. The identity of each member and the teachings of the songs were all tied to Mother Earth. We need to know these teachings from our culture. This knowledge will help us heal the people.


My Maker, today help me find my identity.




By Joyce Sequichie Hifler


There comes a time when we have to turn a firm and deaf ear to those people who have no other intention than to disturb our peace of mind. There comes a time when we have to turn ourselves about in our very tracks and ignore the bitter complaining voices of experience.


There comes a time when we have to get angry with ourselves for allowing bad to become worse when there is Someone bigger than we are who can handle everything.


There comes a time when we have to make a decision and to be so firm that it leaves no doubt in our minds that we know what we must do - and then do it.


There comes a time when we have to hear music and feel peace, or we have no foundation for living.


There comes a time when we must learn to appreciate and be thankful or lose all that matters to us.


There comes a time when we recognize the many faces of God as true blessings and give thanks.




November 16 - Daily Feast


Things have a way of growing out of bounds in the dark of thought. But we can control them by easing them out gently, the way steam escapes the kettle. The worst thing is to feed more fuel into our emotions than we can handle. Turn off the heat and the pressure will ease. Lay blame aside - especially self-blame. You can't do any good if you are dwelling on what went wrong. Forgive yourself and others. Nothing removes the blocks like forgiving. This is survival time and no injustice should be harbored. Make a new beginning and don't stop until it is done. You will know when that is.


~ The Great Spirit has heard me, and he knows I have spoken the truth. ~




'A Cherokee Feast of Days, Volume II' by Joyce Sequichie Hifler




Elder's Meditation of the Day - November 16


"We do not want riches, but we want to train our children right. Riches would do us no good. We could not take them with us to the other world. We do not want riches, we want peace and love."




The Elders say that what is important is peace and love. To have material things is okay, but if not, that's okay too. To have peace and love is more important than anything material. Our children will see the value of peace and love only if adults show they are a priority. Too often we think we can offer material things and they will replace the time spent with our children. But the most important way to give our children peace and love is to spend time with them.


My Creator, give me Your peace and love today.




By Joyce Sequichie Hifler


Don't try to tell me what your enemy looks like. My enemy is lazy, a procrastinator that spends most of the time talking me out of success. My enemy says friends are fickle and true ones are most infrequent. Faith, I'm told, is not enough to carry me over barriers. And I'm not loved so much as others, but that's all right because what good is love?


The day is dreary, my enemy says, and the flowers at my feet will soon wilt. I shouldn't smile at anyone today because they won't smile back at me.


This will be one of those days when everything goes wrong, my enemy tells me, and if I do anything right someone else will get the credit. I should watch the clock and realize how long the day is and how weary I am.


Don't tell me about your enemy, I have one of my own. But the fact that I know my enemy makes all the difference. My enemy lies to me and wants to destroy me. So I'll refuse to give my enemy power this day by giving a special measure of love to my friends and knowing that everything is exactly the opposite of what my enemy tells me.




November 17 - Daily Feast


Once we have been afraid of something it is never hard to be afraid of it again. The memory hangs in the back of the kind the way an insect can get caught in a swinging fragment of spider web. Although the same experience may not come again, even its possibility is terrorizing. Fear is our most common emotion. It is the magician's stick that stirs the bubbling brew of all our negative feelings. Somewhere in our growing up years we learned to hide our deepest fears, but now and again we find them all over again. Action, doing something constructive, meets fear on the darkest path and does not flinch. We give life a quiet balance when we say to fear, You are not acceptable. I am in control and I choose freedom.  


~ It behooves you to learn well what you are taught here. ~




'A Cherokee Feast of Days, Volume II' by Joyce Sequichie Hifler




Elder's Meditation of the Day - November 17


"Humbleness means peace, honesty -- all mean Hopi. True, honest, perfect words -- that's what we call Hopi words. In all languages, not just in Hopi. We strive to be Hopi. We call ourselves Hopi because maybe one or two of us will become Hopi. Each person must look into their heart and make changes so that you may become Hopi when you reach your destination."


Percy Lomaquahu, HOPI


The Creator has made available to us all the laws, principles and values which we need to know to live in harmony. The Creator also designed each human being to learn and grow by trail and error. We have tools to help us live the right way. We have prayers, visions, nature, teachers, Elders, and we have the Great Spirit to talk to and ask for help when we have problems. We also have choice. To walk the Red Road takes courage and a lot of prayer.


Creator, give me courage to walk the Red Road.




By Joyce Sequichie Hifler


Lie offers us a great deal of stormy weather. In the beginning we are quite strong about it, taking things in stride and moving confidently along. The things that test us seem to give us extra strength we didn't know belonged to us. And quite suddenly there is awareness that enough is enough. But life doesn't know it, and the storm goes on and so do we.


Even though we are quite willing to give as long as we have to give, there seems to be no more stretch to the strength, either spiritually, mentally, or physically. We question how much longer, how many more times we shall be able to reach into our bag of reserves to borrow another ounce of strength.


Of course, the first thing we must do is to take our minds off the thing as we do not want it, and begin to think steadily about how we do want it. It allows our creative minds to find the answers. It may mean we will have to wait awhile in the dark, but when the light comes, it is radiant.


There are many things that stay our feet along the way, but faith that this too will pass can make that way serene.




November 18 - Daily Feast


Never be so bent to certain beliefs that it is impossible to see the little things that make life so much sweeter. Sure, you're going to have to deal with things - that's life. But if you don't get down in it and lose your overall perspective, you'll make short order of the work. When you love other people you listen to their problems and offer them help, but you don't take their responsibility. You just help. Mothers and grandmothers have always had the tendency to take the whole burden, but you shouldn't. Children have to learn there is help - but some of it comes from them.


~ Now many things have happened that are not your fault. ~




'A Cherokee Feast of Days, Volume II' by Joyce Sequichie Hifler




Elder's Meditation of the Day - November 18


"Power is not manifested in the human being. True power is in the Creator."


Oren Lyons, ONONDAGA


The Old Ones say the only true power is spiritual power. Sometimes our egos tell us we have power but really we don't. Great Spirit power is called by other names such as love, forgiveness, intelligence, life, principles and laws. When the Creator uses this power to make the human being powerful, we must stay humble. We should constantly acknowledge that we are who we are. We do what we do because of the power of the Great One.


Great One, guide me to use Your power well. I will use it only to serve the people.




By Joyce Sequichie Hifler


We pray for a change, we hope for a change, but we wait impatiently. Is God not hearing us? We asked. Where is the answer?


If our prayers were suddenly answered, would we be ready? Or would we look behind us for the familiar things, the people, the habits, the routine?


If we were instantly healed, instantly prospered, instantly sought after and loved, then what would we do? Attention, compassion and self-pity are sometimes more important than having everything changed for the better. The fear of being without something to keep us working with the same burden, dealing with familiar pain, can stop us from knowing what it is to be free and well.


If we can envision life without a particular problem we can turn our minds to real change and have it happen. If we can see change, receive it, and know the joy, then gratitude and thanksgiving sets it in place.





David White Hawk

Tawodi Unega


"Be good, be kind, help each other."
"Respect the ground, respect the drum, respect each other."


May The Creator walk with you.




Anasgvti Unelanvhi Nigohilvi
Watsi Gawohilvdodi Nihi
( May God Always Watch Over You )



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