January 25, 26, 27, & 28 Daily Feast, Elder’s Meditation, THINK on THESE THING
January 25 Daily Feast, Elder’s Meditation, THINK on THESE THING
January 25 - Daily Feast
Dust trails on the ground and vapor trails in the sky where man travels with such speed we can only see where he has been - and these are everyday wonders. Others have left tracks for us - men and women we may never have heard about, or it may be our own mothers and fathers. Eras pass leaving only the faintest signs. Hills stay pretty much the same, the sky changes and changes again. The wind sweeps a trail of seeds that give us trees and flowers. Universal tracks - footsteps we hear again and again. Will ours be marching - or rolling softly as the steps of an evening walker?
~ I thank the Great Spirit for making me a Sauk, and the son of a great Sauk Chief. ~
"A Cherokee Feast of Days, Volume II" by Joyce Sequichie Hifler
Elder's Meditation of the Day - January 25
"Also ask your heart to purify and cleanse this defect and harmful desire. Ask also the help of the inner father and mother. Every time we eliminate a defect, we build our soul, our inner temple. We ascend, like going up a stairway."
The building blocks to knowledge and wisdom are constructed through the lessons of our character defects if we constructively review our conduct each day, asking where we are resentful, selfish, dishonest, or afraid. Remember, we need to review constructively, not destructively. Destructive review is when we ask, "what's the matter with me anyway." or "how could I be so stupid?" These question lead to morbid reflection or remorse and seriously affect our self esteem. In constructive review we ask, "what will I do next time?" With constructive review we progressively eliminate the defect and replace it with wisdom.
My Creator, allow me to have my defects because through them I gain in knowledge of Your will.
By Joyce Sequichie Hifler
A pair of great horned owls swoop through the woods and light on an oak limb. They are hunting and their great heads swivel in all directions while they take in the view. A lone rabbit hides in a stack of wood and our domestic cats scatter to safety.
Beau is our black tomcat and he came home one morning with long scratches down the length of his thick black coat. Something barely touched the skin but took the fur so that it will take a long time to grow what is missing. We suspect the owls and we bless Zsa, our female part-Siamese cat because she is so easy to spot. We know she is swift and can outrun many predators, but she is also ten years old and we do not leave her safety to how fast she can run.
We should never leave our lives to ability -- they can have weaknesses, but Spirit has no weakness.
January 26 Daily Feast, Elder’s Meditation, THINK on THESE THING
January 26 - Daily Feast
Volume II
Peace at any price is not peace, it is hiding until the danger passes. Sooner or later those who have no honor will find another way to break the treaty. Tread water when necessary, avoid confrontation with those who love turmoil, and never be so self-sufficient as not to be able to say an honest prayer when it is needed. Cultivate peace, to hi dv, but do not give in to darkness.
~ Take away your guns and swords, the cause of all our jealousy, or you may die in the same manner. ~
"A Cherokee Feast of Days, Volume II" by Joyce Sequichie Hifler
Elder's Meditation of the Day - January 26
"All life is a circle."
Rolling Thunder, CHEROKEE
The atom is a circle, orbits are circles, the earth, moon, and sun are circles. The seasons are circles. The cycle of life is a circle: baby, youth, adult, elder. The sun gives life to the earth who feeds life to the trees whose seeds fall to the earth to grow new trees. We need to practice seeing the cycles that the Great Spirit gave us because this will help us more in our understanding of how things operate. We need to respect these cycles and live in harmony with them.
Great Spirit, let me grow in knowledge of the circle.
By Joyce Sequichie Hifler
Human dignity is that silent something in us that keeps from falling below the level where others look down on us to make light of our very existence. None of us exists who cannot sense to some degree the feeling that others hold for us. It may create in us a "show them" attitude that takes us through life more successfully, but it will more likely destroy our desire to be anything more than what is expected of us.
It is an appalling thing to see others impose their superiority upon human dignity of those whose literacy may not be equal to their own. Only profound ignorance could convince anyone they have the right to see and idly judge another's intelligence, or to insult the dignity of any human being.
The little silent people who have not yet discovered within themselves the abilities they need to lift themselves, still have the right and dignity of being human. A small amount of respect and direction might start them on the road to better things, though it might be all uphill. At least if they know it is all uphill they may work harder and reach and place where they can look back at those with lofty ideas about themselves, standing forever stagnant, and feel more compassion than they could ever have felt.
January 27 Daily Feast, Elder’s Meditation, THINK on THESE THING
January 27 - Daily Feast
Volume II
Trust is a fragile gem that most people never intend to lose. Too often a promise is easily made and easily broken. It reveals a deeper nature that may never have been trustworthy. A Cherokee elder once commented, "Indian may forgive - but Indian never forget." No grudge, but wisdom that a trust shattered one time may well be broken again. Trust is a stand - a ga to gv - says the Cherokee. If the Spirit is trustworthy, then we should be trustworthy. He is the Gem, the Power of the stand we take. We personally have no power - but the Gem has it all.
~ The Indian world was devoted to living; the European world to getting. ~
"A Cherokee Feast of Days, Volume II" by Joyce Sequichie Hifler
Elder's Meditation of the Day - January 27
"The journey to the Spirit World is a long one, my friend. But when you die, that doesn't mean that this is the end."
Buddy Red Bow, LAKOTA
The Elders tell us of the other dimension, the Spirit World. Our spirit in our bodies does not die, it only looks that way to our eyes and our brains. Some of our ceremonies allow us to see into the Spirit World. Death is only part of a process of life. It shows the transition into the Spirit World. The Elders tell us this is a joyful life journey.
My Creator, help me to understand both the seen world and the unseen world. Let me not be afraid of the world You live in.
By Joyce Sequichie Hifler
There is much to be said of small things. Even in this age of emphasis on bigness we must realize that bigness is only a mass of small things. An idea is a small thing. With it we can change our world. We can take a tiny seed and give it careful attention and reap a hundred fold. We can take a little idea and give it our attention and build it into a fortune.
A smile is a small thing. Smile once at someone in passing and three will return the smile. Smiling is so contagious that it moves from person to person until a hundred smiling faces are the result of one.
A thought is a small thing. One thought inspires another and another until a mental image is formed. From that mental image blueprints are drawn. And from those blueprints worlds are built.
Hope is a small thing. One tiny glimmer of hope can lift us out of the deepest pit of darkness. One whisper of encouragement will help us to know that as long as there's hope there is an excellent chance.
A wish is a small thing. Like a little prayer, it climbs the steps to an idea that makes a smile and gives us hope to make our wishes come true. For in small things are all great things formed, in little beginnings the possibilities of great events.
January 28 Daily Feast, Elder’s Meditation, THINK on THESE THING
January 28 - Daily Feast
Volume II
Losing is not always what it seems, and how we react makes the difference. We may be disappointed, feel let down - and maybe a little betrayed - but we haven't lost until we quit. What is done is done. We have cried and we have hurt - but this will show the stuff we are made of and how nothing can keep us down. How we think, what we say, and where we put our faith will set our new course and keep us on it.
~ Our new home will be beyond a great river on the way to the setting sun... Our wigwams on another land where we hope the Great Spirit will smile. ~
"A Cherokee Feast of Days, Volume II" by Joyce Sequichie Hifler
Elder's Meditation of the Day - January 28
"We call it the `sacred' red road because it is the road that will lead us to living the good life, an honest and healthy life."
Larry P. Aitken, CHIPPEWA
The Red Road is the path we walk on when we want a direct relationship with the Great Spirit. This requires sacrifice. This requires us to have our beliefs tested. To walk this path is really an honor. The returns for doing so are exciting, not only for ourselves but for the effect that will be felt for three generations. This means your children will see the benefits as well as your grandchildren. Do I want to walk this sacred road?
Great Spirit, guide myself and my family on the Red Road.
By Joyce Sequichie Hifler
Three things we can do without - jealousy, pride, and a sense of competition that makes us cruel.
French writer, La Rochefoucauld, said that jealousy is more a self-love than a love for another. But more than that, it is a weak ego afraid that someone else is getting ahead. We have no business being where we feel we cannot hold our own.
Pride, it is said, goes before a fall. Pride is so transparent and without scruples. We can say we are proud of someone or something without meaning anything wrong -- but pride that steals our common sense steals our peace. Competition is almost as bad because it contains in subtle ways jealousy and pride.
Svnoyi Osda ale Donvdagahv'i
( Good Night and Until we meet again )
David White Hawk
Dewidi Tawodi Unega
"Be good, be kind, help each other."
"Respect the ground, respect the drum, respect each other."
May The Creator walk with you.
Posted by Christopher Stewart on March 28, 2023 at 12:58pm 1 Comment 2 Likes
Posted by Christopher Stewart on March 21, 2023 at 12:47pm 0 Comments 1 Like
Posted by Christopher Stewart on March 13, 2023 at 2:24pm 0 Comments 1 Like
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