January 17 - Daily Feast



Most changes are too subtle to be noticed. The fog, u gv ha dv, that blankets the early morning hangs so thick in the woods that the hills beyond cannot be seen. Then, without us seeing it, it is there no longer. So it is in our relationships with other people. We do not understand the moods and changes that work their silent influence on us when we least expect it. We react to the moods of others like we do in the fog, not realizing what has happened until the silent influence has gone. When our feelings are so in command, it is difficult to change the circumstances around us. All the experiences of a lifetime have influenced our decisions and made us react in a way that destroyed something that may never be rebuilt. When the fog lifts it takes away the veil so that we can see a long way. But the inner-fog hides life and love and friendship - until we change it.



~ I am satisfied....I am not afraid to avow the deed that I have done.....I am willing to bury the tomahawk and smoke the pipe of peace.... ~







'A Cherokee Feast of Days', by Joyce Sequichie Hifler






Elder's Meditation of the Day - January 17



"In our story of Creation, we talk about each one of us having our own path to travel, and our own gift to give and to share. You see, what we say is that the Creator gave us all special gifts; each one of us is special. And each one of us is a special gift to each other because we've got something to share."



John Peters (Slow Turtle), WAMPANOAG

John Peters (Slow Turtle), WAMPANOAG



We are all equally special. We need to focus on what is right for ourselves. As we focus on what is right for ourselves, we will start to see our special gifts. Then we can see how to share our special gifts with others. If we focus on what's wrong with ourselves, we will not be able to see our gifts. Then we will think we have nothing to give others and we become selfish and withdrawn. The more we focus on our good, the more we see the good in others. The more we see the good in others, the more we see the gifts they have to share. What you sees is what you gets!



My Creator, today, let me use the gifts You have given me. Let me use them wisely.







By Joyce Sequichie Hifler

Have you noticed how hardheaded we are about clinging to the way we think something should be done? If it worked once, we think it should again, and perhaps it does. There are proven methods of getting successful results in many things. But ever so often we try to use the same procedure, follow the same general pattern we've used before, only this time it doesn't work.



How we pound our fists against that stone wall! Insisting all the time that there used to be a door in exactly that spot. Who moved the door? Frequently circumstances are to blame. But placing the blame is not the important thing. Finding the way is important.



The way may not be marked plainly, and we have to blaze a new trail, find a new method. But the hardest part of finding that new method is in admitting we need one. The first and most important step is in changing our idea of how it should be done. As soon as we have accepted this fact the mind has a reserve of experience and knowledge that will hurry in to help. But only after we've admitted the need for it.









January 18 - Daily Feast



A certain amount of protection from the wind makes it pleasant to walk in the deep woods, even in January - Uno lv at na. It is quieter and without the activity of other seasons, but the deer come daily to feed on acorns that litter the moss covered earth. Timing is important, even though the Cherokee has been said to have a time of his own - arriving and leaving as he see fit. But even nature gets ahead of herself or lags behind at times. Here in the dead of winter, a shaft of sunlight brings out tiny moth-like insects that dance straight up and down, going nowhere. Doing the right thing at the right time is all-important. We tend to get overanxious and want to push ahead when it is not the time nor the right thing to do. We are not programmed by nature but by Spirit, and from that comes the wisdom to stay or act.



~ I beseech you.....by everything you hold sacred and dear, abandon this wild visionary and desperate undertaking and return to your village. ~




KEOKUK, 1832



'A Cherokee Feast of Days', by Joyce Sequichie Hifler






Elder's Meditation of the Day - January 18



"Silence is the absolute poise or balance of body, mind and spirit."



Charles Alexander Eastman

Charles A. Eastman (Ohiyesa), SANTEE SIOUX



Be still and know. All new learning's, all ideas about new things, creativity, daydreaming and mental effectiveness come to those who learn about silence. All warriors know about the power of silence. All Elders know about stillness. Be still and know God. Meditation is about the place of silence. This is the place to hear God's voice. We can find tremendous amounts of knowledge in the place of silence. This is the sacred place of God.



Great Spirit, teach me the power of silence.






By Joyce Sequichie Hifler



It has been said that hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. But it is even truer that there is no hell more furious than those humans beings who feel scorn within themselves for themselves. It is natural but painful for those who do not know the meaning of love to find fault and grief within their own existence. Unable to accept the blame for their actions, there is a continual search for the cause in other people.



How can we tell what point in life others may have reached in their development? We can only see and sense the pain that some carry while they learn the way. If it is impossible to get along with them, we should get along without them, but condemning them will never turn the tide.



Understanding of others and of ourselves has been a great human need for all time. The fact that we do not look with a critical eye, pecking away in constant irritation at another's faults, but give some sign of friendliness, some patience for rebellious spirits, may serve as the turning point for that spirit. And to try for such understanding does no harm for the one who makes the effort.






David White Hawk
Tawodi Unega



"Be good, be kind, help each other."
"Respect the ground, respect the drum, respect each other."



May The Creator walk with you.






Anasgvti Unelanvhi Nigohilvi
Watsi Gawohilvdodi Nihi
( May God Always Watch Over You )




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I love this group. I check in here daily for the messages the creator gives to us.
Thank you David


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