December 14 - Daily Feast



If a person is unhappy with himself, he is going to cause others to be unhappy as well. His house is divided against itself - and so it can't stand, and it makes him more unhappy. It is said that every time someone does something wrong, someone sacrifices. It almost seems the innocent have to pay because the guilty will not accept the responsibility. And so the time comes when we stand back and let the irresponsible put down their feet. As long as someone stands for them, they will not learn to stand for themselves. The greatest gift we can give such people is to let them alone - let them find their standing place.



~ We should be better pleased with beholding the good effects of these doctrines in your own practices than with hearing you talk about them. ~







'A Cherokee Feast of Days, Volume II' by Joyce Sequichie Hifler






Elder's Meditation of the Day - December 14



"Male and female is fundamental to life; partners in work to be done."



Oren R. Lyons 6

Oren R. Lyons, Spokesman, Traditional Circle of Elders



The Great Spirit created a system which would allow us to reproduce, to have companionship, to love, to laugh, to cry and be happy. Man and Woman each have gifts the other doesn't have. But, together they have these gifts to share with each other. The Great Spirit made it this way. So let us treat each other with respect. Let us look upon each other in a sacred way.



Grandfather, Grandmother, bring the spirits to teach us.






By Joyce Sequichie Hifler



As long as there has been a human race there has been someone crying out, "No one understands!" Somewhere along the way communications have broken down and the result is misunderstanding.



To be misunderstood is painful. We keep wanting to explain and explain until we get our message across. Sometimes it is the lack of the wise use of words. Then, it may be an unwilling ear. But whatever the race, the politics, sophisticated or home grown, everyone has the desire to be understood. They want every motive, every mood, completely and unquestionably understood.



But to be completely understood can also have its rebounds. A goddess can turn into a woman, and a hero can slip into a man when only one of their moods is completely understood.



Understanding breeds familiarity. Familiarity many not breed contempt, but it can certainly take the edge off the mystery. And, it is mystery that keeps life interesting.



In all wisdom, we should worry much less about being completely understood, and make a more diligent effort to understand others.

Something dies within us when no one cares. It is a circumstance of our own making when we have failed to give to another the thought and concern that would have helped when it was most needed.

Sorrows can be borne because others care. Greatness can be achieved because someone cared. To care is our purpose.



Who knows but that these small acts of sympathy and understanding may place another life into the one slot on the jigsaw puzzle of life.

If we were all the things we expect of others, the result would be perfection. We would be perfect in forgiveness, faithful in love, and devoted in the welfare of others. Such excellence has never been accomplished, except that we work continually for it. To work for it, we have to care. And for someone to care is the thing that matters.



"Instead of allowing yourself to be so unhappy, just let your love grow as God wants it to grow; seek goodness in others, love more persons more; love them more impersonally, more unselfishly, without thought of return. The return, never fear, will take care of itself." - Henry Drummond









December 15 - Daily Feast



Sit here with me and listen to the woods. Did you know the trees can talk? They do. They tell me all sorts of tales, for most have been here several hundred years and they have seen such things that we can't even imagine. Yes, they have spoken of the wild animals, the strange ones and they have seen the things that made the huge boulders tumble from the ground. They have seen the floods that left these shells buried in the earth. And they can tell of people - your own ancestors. But others, too, drovers with herds of cattle, outlaws and hunters, devious men hiding their cache. Some have left carvings on the stone. Put your arms around that tree as far as you can reach and listen.... What do you hear?



~ Holy Mother Earth, the trees and all nature, are witness of your thoughts and deeds. ~







'A Cherokee Feast of Days, Volume II' by Joyce Sequichie Hifler






Elder's Meditation of the Day - December 15



"People are equal partners with the plants and animals, not their masters who exploit them."



caretakers for the Great Spirit

Haida Gwaii, Traditional Circle of Elders



As human beings, we are not above anything nor are we below anything. Because of being equal, we need to discuss a little about the value of respect. Not just respect when it comes to human beings, but respect when it comes to everything. We are not masters over things; we are caretakers for the Great Spirit. We need to treat all things with respect.



Great Spirit, let me accept and see all things as equal.






By Joyce Sequichie Hifler



If you've ever been alone in a strange place, you're bound to know how wonderful it is to have someone make you feel welcome.



Many people have the knack for being at home in whatever place they find themselves. And in this gift they find no loneliness to tug at them, but more often than not most of us feel like strangers. And in doing so we set ourselves apart, or make it sometimes questionable as to the wisdom of asking us into a friendly circle.



A friendly face and a friendly voice can make the most timid souls feel welcome. It can make them feel at home. For in the midst of many there is loneliness. Perhaps it is because our feigned look of self-sufficiency made someone question our need for help.



Many a door has opened, and many a sound friendship won when someone said, "We're glad to help you...." The very atmosphere can be charged with concern when we see others who cannot find their way. The warmth of divine love is for daily use in making someone feel welcome.



We should not forget nor fail to see the wisdom of Hebrews 13:2: "Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unaware."



There must be no stronger feeling in the hearts of most people than the desire to belong. To belong to something, to someone, and in a place where the feeling is warm and friendly. The most blessed children in town are the ones who have the tightly knit sense of belonging to everyone. Suddenly these children are not just the children of their parents, but the children of everyone in the church, in school, and anywhere where there is warmth and love and peace.



War rages within so many, disallowing them any connection or any strand of love that would tie them to anything that gives them a sense of security. And when people become insecure they become demanding. And in demanding they lose the most essential part - the ability to attract love to themselves simply by loving first.



In the words of William Blake: "Love seeketh not itself to please.... Nor for itself hath any care.... But  for another gives its ease.... And builds a Heaven in Hell's despair."



Some of my most productive moments are not when I consider how evil the world is, but how powerful is my God.

Some of the best times are not all when I'm enjoying life, but when those I love are knowing happiness.



The highest peak of wealth comes when the joy within surpasses anything I can create out here.



The bloom of good health is felt more richly when I let it flow through me rather than dwelling on the possibility of sickness.

Friendships are strongest and most true when I don't worry about giving more than I receive.



In order that others forgive me, I must also learn to forgive.

I must never forget that negative thoughts feed on fear and starve on faith.



One of the greatest mistakes I can make is to believe myself to be without friend or faith or opportunity.



These personal proverbs belong to all thinking persons who want their lives to have more meaning, know more happiness and feel more richly the love that is the medicine for the sickness of the world.






David White Hawk
Tawodi Unega



"Be good, be kind, help each other."
"Respect the ground, respect the drum, respect each other."



May The Creator walk with you.






Anasgvti Unelanvhi Nigohilvi
Watsi Gawohilvdodi Nihi
( May God Always Watch Over You )




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I may not always leave a comment since usually in a rush, tired after long day of work but...

I surely enjoy and appreciate the wonderful words of wisdom you share here...

Thank you so much


S'gi ( Thank You ) For Your Kind Words....... God Bless You and Yours


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