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April 27 - Daily Feast

It is the nature of circumstances to change and move and sometimes begin again. Like a whirlwind on open prairie, even sunlight changes its temperament and people strive to cover their faces and hope that when they open their eyes it will all have straightened out. The changes are often left to us, but when we are on good terms with the Spirit we are given the blessing to know what to do. We are not born knowing these things, but like the food we take every day - so comes the wisdom. And like the food, we take it and digest it and pray over it. Such is the handling of circumstances.

~ May the Great Spirit shed light on your path. ~


"A Cherokee Feast of Days, Volume II" by Joyce Sequichie Hifler


Elder's Meditation of the Day - April 27

"The law is that all life is equal in the Great Creation, and we, the Human Beings, are charged with the responsibility, each in our generation, to work for the continuation of life."

Traditional Circle of Elders

Every generation is accountable to leave the environment in healthy order for the next generation. Every generation is accountable to teach the next generation how to live in harmony and to understand the Laws. We need to ask ourselves, "What are we teaching the next generation?" Each individual is directly accountable.

My Creator, teach me inter-generational responsibility.


By Joyce Sequichie Hifler

"Though we speak with the tongues of men and angels and give our bodies to be burned, if we are irritable or hard to live with, it all accounts for nothing," wrote Margaret Widdemer.

Wouldn't it be a blessing to ourselves and to others if we could be as gentle and considerate in temper as we expect others to be? It is not a good thing to keep pent up the emotions that rules us so continually, but neither is it good to be too quick and too constantly blowing off steam.

It may serve as a tension reliever to us, but it can soon ruin our relationships with others. And without our realizing it, we can soon become chronic complainers.

Worry, physical ailments and weariness can cause a short temper that we think others should understand. And most have a way of knowing if that is the case, but prolonged impositions on other people will wear that tolerance very thin. It takes two to have an argument, but it takes only one to start it.

The need to forgive and to be forgiven should never be overlooked. To pass over a disagreement quickly without thought to the damage we've done can take the shine off any friendship. There can be no merit in forgetting if we cannot first forgive.

There are two voices in this world that will be forever unpopular. One is the voice of self-pity, the other the voice that yells all the time. One declares itself to be the victim of great injustice, the other yells to demand justice.

Those who believe themselves to be the victims of injustice - those who believe they are meant to suffer - will always find conditions to prove they are right.

And those who yell, "Look what I've sacrificed," and always with the theme, "What I've tried to do for you," have slowed another's progress and stopped their own.

True victims of circumstances are easily recognized, and do not care to be noticed as such. And those who yell their merits have received their rewards, so there aren't any others.

Both have their attentions turned inward but to the sorrow of most....their voices are not.

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