Hello Warriors,
Some of the members have recently asked me a few questions about Warrior Nation that I would like to go over with all of you.
1.) Why are there so many non Native groups? My answer to that is... I'm Native American and I'm proud of my history and heritage but, just because I'm Native American should that be the only music I listen to? I have many interests as well as all of you do. I believe all social sites serve a purpose and they all take their own paths. There are many, many sites dedicated strictly to the NA history, culture and social issues. Many of you here belong to some of those sites. O.K., I won't go political on you but you can understand how by bringing people together thru diversified groups it prepares all of us to eventually join together to take on the bigger social and environmental issues -as a group...I hope to see more Native American groups started here by all of you that are more knowledgeable in your own Tribe or the ones that you follow. They will come in time.
2.) Is the $3.00 donation mandatory?...No it is not. I went beating on doors and received enough donations from family and friends to pay for the site for 1 year. Currently this NING site is $29.95 a month and later we will probably have to go to the $39.00 rate that includes more storage. If you can donate that would be greatly appreciated as I'm already working on paying for another year.
Yes, I am going to ask you for a donation but not of money...I'm asking for a donation of your time. If you feel comfortable here and like the direction we are heading as a family I ask that you send out invitations to your friends on other sites. I'm sure many of your friends would like the variety here. I'm also going to ask for a little bit more of your time...Many of us go to the sites and rush thru dropping comments and running to the next site. What I am asking for is each time you come here you do 1 thing different. Comment your friends and then read 1 blog, or look at 1 of your friends pictures...leave a comment there, let them know you were interested enough to slow down and connect with them a little. It's a donation of your time...of your heart and to me that's what is important.
Warrior Nation is not here to win awards or to see how many members we can get. It's about you connecting with your old friends and making some new ones along the way.

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Even in these times people seem to assume because you are Native American that is your only way of life. Sterotypes and misconceptions still exist. I do hope to see more groups on the Tribes and pow wows. I am interested in learning the history of the many different Tribes from around the world and I will be adding more to the Blackfeet group soon.
Big Hugs,

Main Entry: tribe
Pronunciation: \ˈtrīb\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin tribus, a division of the Roman people, tribe
Date: 13th century

1 a : a social group comprising numerous families, clans, or generations together with slaves, dependents, or adopted strangers.

Thank you Rev. Joseph/EagleBear!
My team here Linda, Willa and Lotus and all of our friends is what has kept me going.
I hope we will continue to grow in our seperate paths together.
I would like to say I applaud this communication from LadyHawk,that she speaks from her heart,and that I will make an earnest effort to make this site grow closer and in my own way will reach out to others here to let them see that this site can mirror the positive things which we embrace in life,and it can be a growing,loving experience...Peace...
Thanks Rev.,I am finding such good people like you are here,and I hope that we can renew and join together to have the same frienship we have enjoyed before,for you are a true brother,who always is supportive,loyal and loving to me and the circle...take care and thanks for your kind words...

I have read all these responses with great interest!

I've met lots of great and varied people on this site.  And I applaude Ladyhawk's decision not to adopt tunnel-vision and keep everything just about NA, its music, its topics, etc.

THEN WHYYYYYYYYY? I too have just read over all the past posts, and dang, I dont get it... why is this beautiful site, and members in it, closing down so soon? Just seems WarriorNation is not given the Chance, the Endurance to become the site it can be. I am on many sites that have 7,000+ members and not a member have I seen since joining...well, i take that back, the Admins and Creator...I think I post to myself, respond to myself, even send love to myself...hehehe...just so I know I'm not garazee. I've thought of assuming responsibility of another site but BE FO'REOs is what my partner says. And he is right...I wouldn't be fair to the site we already built up and to its loyal members. All in all, I am still contemplating...real hard.

Impassioned plea to all,in a good and endearing manner...we all have different ways of approaching our path towards the Creator,and the social and spiritual things we hold dear,are not always going to jibe with others deep rooted beliefs and growth preferences,so in essence,we all want betterment,positive feelings and production...completion if you will...If we are to survive,we must learn how to make our connections and relationships better,and if there is a problem we deal with it and solve issues like intelligient,caring people we are,and who have been blessed in many different ways,be it physically,emotionally,spiritually or mentally...

I appreciate all of your love and concern,and I know I have tried to reach out to you,even if it gets hard,there is always going to be something that we overlook or dismiss,but I for one hold no malice,and appreciate everything LadyHawk has done...

I thank you all for the many replies here. I have read all of your responces and agree with you all. Thank you. First of all I do not want to shut down Warrior Nation. I think it is a very unique site with so many unique and wonderful people. I have very much enjoyed seeing how many of you are of different faiths and walks of life agreeing on so many issues here. I have also heard from many members the last two days who signed up and never came back for various reasons. They all expressed a wish to keep the site going.

So, at this time I would like to put something into perspective here. Keep in mind this does reflect on the unity and attitude of the whole site...

This is a list of groups that were started by many who joined just a few months ago...and have either left the site or haven't returned.

~The Story of Nature

~Blessings and Greetings

~Meet me on Facebook

~Aroma Therapy

~Homemade crafts

~Old T.V. shows

~The Wolf Pack

~Trance Nation

~The Bears Den

~Things that make you say WTF

~SciFi Movies and Trailers

I'm not including Baby Boomers in there because I know Missy is busy with school and some other issues right now. If by chance she doesn't make it back I am willing to take over that group.

This is how it looks to a new member. Great things started and quickly abandoned or no interest to keep them going. As a prospective member looking at the site I'm not so sure I would sign up here for those reasons. Unfortunately it is still human nature to look at the bad in situations such as this. I hope this helps a little bit in showing you what I have been up against as far as membership and activity here. We have been hit very hard the last few months here with friends coming in and inviting their friends to new sites where the old familiar friends have landed.

I love this site and I love all of you. I started Warrior Nation only knowing just 4 or 5 of you from other sites I was on as I've always kept my circle of friends small. I have met some really great people here that wish to keep the site and frienships going. I wish to keep going to but I need your help...

I need some loving people to adopt some of these groups. I would like to take over the work that has been started but it's just not possible for me to handle so many groups. It's not a 24/7 job...duties are basically adding some content and commenting on what your friends add. If you are not interested you may know someone that might be. Please let me know so I can add you as Administrator to the group.

As of yesterday MySpace does not allow HTML comments anymore. If you are still on MySpace please send out invites as alot of people over there are looking for new sites right now.

Thank you for your time,



Heyy, I'll take TranceNation...heck, I can take a few more, whatever is available, ok? Does this mean I dont have to clear my page, and I can go eat and do happy things now? Is there Hope?*grin*holla!

Dear Lady Hawk, please let me know your snail mail address so I can send you a donation....send it to


I will be able to pay for a year's subscription to keep this site going.   I know I don't come in here too often mainly due to my internet provider being stubborn and leaving me "up in the air" and not being able to get into the sites I want to.

But.....please, please, let me donate.

Thank you



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