hello to all my friends,
i'm sorry for not being
here....please understand that my
junebug is close to the end.....
i'm spending all my time with
him.......he's eating well,not in pain,but he is losing weight fast,his cancer is spreading fast,but you know my friends,when i lay down on my bed he sits on me and purrs his
lil heart
out.....he is given medicine twice a day in his food ...that's the only way we can get him to take
it.....i could save my princess from her basal cell skin cancer,but not my
junebug,his cancer is a
squamous cell cancer,highly aggressive,and their is no cure, he has a cancerous mass in his right jaw and his entire right
jaw would have to be surgically removed,and
i'll not put him
thru that,would any of you??? well if you'd like to say prayers for him and i they would be appreciated so very
much.my heart is
soooooo heavy......why my
junebug.......have a great weekend my
friends..drive to arrive
alive........hugs and
kisses...linda and