
Marble Falls, TX

United States

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Favorite Music:
Most All Except Rap & Hip Hop
Favorite Movies:
TBA - Ask
Favorite Hobbies:
Favorite Quote:
Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair.
~ Kahlil Gibran ~
Remember...At some point in our lives, we Must choose. It's Difficult, I know, but we Can't Continue if we Don't make Choices. Don't let the fear of a 'Wrong' Choice enter your mind. Choose a Plan, Stick to it, and Follow Through. If the feeling of a 'Wrong' Choice still lingers... Remember.... sometimes your Greatest Adventure begins at what you Thought was a 'Wrong' Choice.
"We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors,
we borrow it from our children."
~Native American Proverb...
About Me:
I like long walks in the park or along the beach. I have a tendancy to take short, spontaneous road trips. I enjoy cooking. I still have goals. I like dinner and wine, burger & a beer, or mexican food & a Frozen Margarita. I like photography. I like Symphonies. I like Live concerts. I like Jazz. I like the Blues. I like good conversation with an intelligent woman. I don't say I am intelligent, but an intelligent woman challenges my perspectives. Candles, hot tubs, finger foods in front of the fireplace. Snuggling, and all night lovemaking sessions. Did I leave anything out?

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