Wolfie Redheart


Bodfish, CA

United States

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How did you hear about Warrior Nation?
from Kalona Raven wolf
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Favorite Quote:
"Help Save are wolfs there the most coolest animal and everybody is killing for there fur to make tails and i know im a werewolf who turns into a wolf but if i find something hunting me in the woods i start to run so fast to get away from them and i really found one hunter in my wolf form where is my hometown in canda only in wolf form and the hunter was trying to catch me and i ran away and then few days later i come back to winter forest the hunter was gone"
About Me:
Old me:
im a teen werewolf named Wolfie Redheart

~my wolf side~

~Wolfie Redheart Alpha Female of Crimsion Heart Wolf Pack~

~breed:gray wolf
~adoptive pups:Ash
~siblings:chris wolf
~my father:nox wolf
~my mother:nelly wolf but she lefted my famliy since i was 12 years old

~my mate's wolf side~

~Jake Alpha male of Crimsion Heart Wolf Pack~

~breed:timber wolf
~Mate:Wolfie Redheart
im part irish and im part cherokee and apatche indian and im part germen
sorry for the Alpha Female on Jake that was a miss type tho and im so sorry i haven't say my real age and im 14 and Jake is 13 and we are teen werewolves and i really like this site and i joined it and plus it has really nice members here and it only has some members that have my hertiage and this is the only site i found cool and the ones who are kinda just like me.

I'm no longer a teen werewolf as bullies bullied me on the internet since I was 15,I'm no longer with Jake as I have lost contact with him he was there for me but things change.

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