Waya Ageyuhi(Loving Wolf)


Spring Valley, IL

United States

Profile Information:

How did you hear about Warrior Nation?
on trail of tears group
Favorite Music:
country or native american indian music
Favorite Movies:
Dances with wolves, Last of the mohegans,trail of tears,
Favorite Hobbies:
nature,hunting,fishing,living off land. I live in country.
Favorite Quote:
live for today cause there may not be a tomorrow.
About Me:
I have been adopted in the cherokee tribe (wolf clan)(Bird Clan) tribe and have a new name: Waya Ageyuhi(Loving Wolf) Wah-yah Ah-gay-you-he. Loving because you love as a Mother wolf loves her cubs, strong, hard and protective. Wolf because you are a fierce fighter for what you feel is right and wrong and cunning, caring and loving when it comes to solving problems, being sharp witted and trying o keep peace among your people, friends and family.

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