Peter Erdmann


Prescott, Ontario


Profile Information:

How did you hear about Warrior Nation?
Searching the net
Favorite Music:
Indigenous North American (including Canadian) music like Douglas Spotted Eagle or Buffy Saint - Mary and others.
Classic and contemporary music
Favorite Movies:
Dances With Wolves, Soldier Blue, Stolen Women Broken Heart and Windwalker etc.
Basically movies with Native Canadian or American Actors like Graham Greene and Michael Greyeyes etc. Historical movies and or documentaries.
Favorite Hobbies:
Living of the land on a 100 acre property, tending to my critters incl. 2 paints or pintos, art, playing drums and enjoying Mother Nature.
About Me:
Since early childhood interested in Indigenous Culture and lifestyle I immigrated from Germany to Canada many years ago. Searching for spiritual peace after the death of my wife 2007 and a 30 year marriage I found myself following my heart. Having dreams or visions I adapted to Native Spirituality and already self educated in the use of herbs and other wild vegetation I am living a life close to Mother Earth and the Great Spirit our Father.

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