Elizabeth Karaus ( Elisawes)


Hattiesburg, MS

United States

Profile Information:

How did you hear about Warrior Nation?
I am i/2 Cherokee tho i have not claimed my heritage. The end is close I am in search of my roots ceremonys. I have a prayer blanket to pray. Please help me close my end in my heratage. I love Flute music, movies, being outdoors.
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Favorite Music:
Celtic and Indian Flutes
Favorite Movies:
Tombstone, Bury my heart at Wounded Knee an HBO special.
Favorite Hobbies:
Learning about my heritage
Favorite Quote:
I'm coming and Hells coming with me. frpm the movie Tombstone.
About Me:
I have an Indian Heritage my Father was Cherokee. I have not claimbed my heratige. My ansestors names are Hopkins according to given Christian names. Quiet most of the time. LOL Have a tendency to be outspoken.

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