Recap Cherokee Words and Phrases All In One

Recap Cherokee Words and Phrases All In One


Uyahi - (oo-yah-he) = Husband


Adali'i - (ah-dah-lee-ee) = Wife


Unaligohi - (oo-nah-lee-go-he) = Partner


Unaligodi - (oo-nah-lee-go-dee) = Boyfriend/Girlfriend


Hadi S'gi - (hah-dee  shkee) = No Thank You


Udohiyui - (oo-doe-he-you-ee) = Please


Kawi - (kah-wee) = Coffee


Tsalagi tsiwoni - (saw-la-gee  see-woe-nee) = I speak Cherokee


Tsalagi Aniwoniha - (saw-la-gee  Ah-nee-woe-nee-ha) = They are speaking Cherokee


Unega gesdi yitsiwoni - (oo-nay-gah gay-stee yee-see-woe-nee) = I don't speak white/English


Osda nadvneha - (o-sta nah-duh-nay-ha) = You are doing good


Dodetsadoa - (doe-day-saw-doe-ah) = What is your name?


Ulasula - (oo-la-sue-la) = moccasins


Inena - (ee-nay-nah) = Go with me


Denena - (dee-nay-nah) = you all go with me


Kiyahaga - (key-ya-ha-gah) = Come In


Adassligi - (ah-dah-sh-lee-gee) = Blessings


Nasgigwo Winigalsd - (nahs-gee-gwoe we-nee-gah-sht) = amen/let it be that way


Sunalei - (sew-nah-lay-ee) morning


S'iyuu - (she-you) = hello


Ugvwiyuhi - (oo-guh-we-you-he) = Chief


Agiyosi - (ah-gee-yo-she) = Are you hungry


Agiyoshiha - (ah-gee-yo-she-ha) = I'm hungry


Uwedolisd(i) - (oo-way-doe-lee-sht) = sad


Ulihelisd(i) - (oo-lee-hay-lee-sht) = happy/merry


Uganawa - oo-gah-nah-wah = Warm


S'gi - shki = Thank You


Hawa - Ha-wah = Your Welcome


Udo = oo-doe = Brother


Vgido = uh- gee- doe (gee almost sounds like Key) = Sister (male)


Ulv = oo-luh = Sister (female)


Unega - oo-nay-gah = White


Unega gesdi tsiwoni - oo-nay-gah gay-sh-dee see-woe-nee = I don't speak white/English


Tsalagi Tsiwoni - saw-la-gee see-woe-nee = I speak Cherokee


Usti goliga woni tsalagi - oo-shti go-lee-gah woe-nee saw-la-gee I understand a little Cherokee


Osda = O-sta = Good


Osd = Ost = great


Osigwotsu = o-she-gwo-sue = How are you


Osigwo = o-she-gwo = I am fine


nole = no-lay = And


Gvgeyu = guh-gay-you = I love you


Ulihelisd = oo-lee-hey-lee-shdi = Happy/Merry


Unadetiyishgvi = oo-nah-day-tee-yesh-guh-ee - Christmas


Donadagovhi = doe-nah-dah-go-uh-ee - Goodbye/Lets see each other again (1 person)


Dodadagovhi = doe-dah-dah-go-uh-ee = Same as above only to 2 or more people


Svnoi = suh-no-ee = night


Sunalei = sue-nah-lay-ee = morning


Nigadv = knee-gah-duh = All/Everyone


Detsayadanilvga - (day-saw-yah-dah-nee-luh-gah) = I welcome you all


Kanoqwo - (kah-no-qwo) = now


Amayetli - (ah-ma-yea-chi) = America


Kagousd - (Kah-go-usht) = Who


Uwonihisd - (oo-woe-nee-he-sht) - You speak


Osi Tsidenadatsohi - (O-she  See-day-nah-dah-so-he) = Good To Meet You


Kagoidisdi - (ka-go-it-ee-shti) = Who are you


Doyusd - (Doe-you-sht) = What


Hvgaiga - (Huh-gah-ee-gah) = How much/How many


Elisti - (a-lee-shtee) = Maybe


Hano - (Ha-no) = I can't


Nvv (Nuh-uh) = Almost


Nigohilv - (nee-go-he-luh) = Always/forever


Taline - (tah-lee-nay) = Next time


Iyudali - (ee-you-dah-lee) = Often


Si - (she) = Wait


Sigwo - (shee-gwo) = Again


So - (show) = Next


Osd - (ost) = Great


Tsisgigi - (see-sh-gee-gee) = Really


Doad - (doe-aht) = How do you say


Hia - (hee-ah) = This


Gatsv - (gah-suh) = Where


Daqwalelu - (dah-qwa-lay-lou) = Car


Adela - (ah-day-la) = Money


Nuda - (new-dah) = Crazy


Digawelodi - (dee-gah-way-low-dee) = Pen/pencil/marker


Tsuwesti - (sue-way-stee) - Key


Halewista - (hah-lay-we-shtah) = Stop


Hilusiyu Tsigesei - (he-luh-lee-you  see-gay-shay-ee) = A long time ago


Nelagi - (nay-la-gee) = Leave it alone


Gihli - (gee-shlee) = Dog


Gihli nelagi gesesdi - (gee-shlee  nay-la-gee  gay-shay-shtee) - Leave the dog alone


Adayvlatasgi nelagi gesesdi - (ah-dah-yuh-lah-ta-shgee  nay-la-gee gee-shay-shtee) = Leave the television alone


Higvgovyu - (he-guh-go-uh-you) I will see you/Goodbye


Usvhi higvgovyu - (oo-suh-he  he-guh-go-uh-you) = I will see you later tonight


Gohi iyv higvgovyu - (go-he  ee-yuh  ge-guh-go-uh-you) = I will see you later


Witsvkewagwo - (we-suh-kay-wah-gwo) Just forget about it (antime there is a k it is a hard accented k)


Unega ganvliyedi (oo-nay-gah  gah-nuh-lee-uh-a-dee) = Mayonnaise


Dalonigei ganvliyedi - (dah-low-nee-gay-ee  gah-nuh-lee-yea-dee) = Mustard


Uneguhisdi Ganvliyedi - (oo-nay-goo-he-shtee  gah-nuh-lee-yea-dee) = Ketchup


Atsadi Ganvliyedi - (ah-saw-dee  gah-nuh-lee-yea-dee) = Tarter Sauce


Ganvliyedi - (gah-nuh-lee-yea-dee) = To smear on


Unguhisdi - (oo-guh-he-shtee) = Tomatoe


Atsadi - (ah-saw-dee) = Fish


Tsituisdi - (see-to-ee-shtee) = Promise


Gogisgv - (go-gee-sh-guh) = Smoking


Agiyuhisdodi - (ah-gee-you-he-sh-doe-dee) = To quit something


Tsituisdiha Agiyuhisdodi Gogisgvi - (see-to-ee-sh-dee-ha  ah-gee-you-he-sh-doe-dee  go-gee-sh-guh-ee) = I promise to quit smoking


Galohisdi Hisdugi - (gah-low-he-shtee  he-sh-do-gee) = Open the door


Galohisdi Hisduhvga - (gah-low-he-shtee  he-sh-do-uh-gah) = Close the door


Tsawahi - (saw-wah-he) = You buy it


Am ganesdaladistanvhi tsawahi - (ahm  gah-nay-shtah-la-dee-shtah-nuh-he saw-wah-he) = Buy some ice


Tseditasdi - (say-dee-tah-shtee) = Drink


Doiyusdi - (doe-ee-you-shtee) = What is it/What are


Doiyusdi hadanteha - (doe-ee-you-shtee  ha-dah-tay-ha) = What are you thinking


Sgiyatvdvhvga - (skee-yah-tuh-huh gah) - Ask me


Gvdi - (guh-dee) - Use


Sginohisi - (Skee-no-he-shtee) Tell me


Sgisdela - (skee-shday-la) = Help me


Doadti Hia - (doe-a- tee he-ah) = How do you say this


Doiyusdi hia - (doe-ee-you-shtee hia = What is this


Sginohis hia - (skee-no-hish he-ah) = Tell me this


Disgwosisasi - (dee-shgwo-she-shaw-she)


Sgiyatvdasda - (skee-yah-tuh-dah-shta) - Listen To Me


Tasega - (tah-say-gah) =Count


Ulisganisdi - (oo-leegahnee-shtee) Hateful


Unegutsadv - (oo-nay-goo-shta-duh ) = Mean


Nelagi - (nay-la-gee) = Leave it alone


Hahvga - (ha-huh-gah) = Sit down


Heda - (hay-dah) = Walk


Hagtahvna (ha-tah-huh-nah) = Turn Around


Gadanehi - (gah-dah-nay-he) = Wet


Ukayodv - (oo-kah-yo-duh) = Dry


Ayv - (ah-yuh) - I/me/my


Nigadvnehv - (nee-gah-duh-nay-huh) = I am doing


Gatsv hinagilvi - (gah-suh  he-nah-gee-lv-i) = Where is your home?


Gohusdi Kvnigesvnisqwanisi - (Go-who-sht  Kuh-nee-gay-suh-nee-shquah-ah-nee-she) = Show me something


Hvgaiyv witsedole hanani - (Huh gah-ee-yuh  we-say-doe-lay  ha-nah-nee) = When did you go there?


Hvgaiyv - (huh-gah-ee-yuh) = When


Hanani - (ha-nah-nee) = There


Hvgaiyv tesi - (huh-ga-ee-yuh  tay-she) = When are you going?


Didananvi - (dee-dah-nah-nuh-ee) = Store


Hvgaiyv witsedole didananvi - (huh-gah-ee-yah  we-see-doe-lay  dee-dah-nah-nuh-ee) = When did you go to the store?


Hvgaiyv ohisdodi gvwatvdodiyu (huh gah-ee-yuh  oh-he-sh-doe-dee  guh- wah-tuh-doe-dee-you) = When is the best time to visit you?


Hagwaduliha - (ha-gwah-do-lee-ha) - I want it


Inena - (ee-nay-nah) = Go with me


Denena - (day-nay-nah) = Y'all go with me


Wena - (way-nah) = Go/Go away from me


Atse - (aht-say) = Spring


Gogeyi - (go-gay-yee) = Summer


Ulagohvsdi - (oo-la-go-huh-shtee) = Fall


Gola - (cola) = Winter


Vv - (uh-uh) = Yes


Hadi - (ha-dee) = No


Vv nole Hadi - ( uh-uh  no-lay  ha-dee) = Yes and No


Unadodiqwanvhi - (oo-nah-doe-dee-qwah-nuh-he) = Monday


Talineiga - (Tah-lee-nay-ee-gah) = Tuesday


Tsoineiga - (so-ee-nay-ee-gah) = Wednesday


Nvgineiga - (nuh-gee-nay-ee-gah) = Thursday


Tsunagilosti - (sue-nah-go-low-shtee) = Friday


Unadodaqwidenv - (oo-nah-doe-dah-qwee-day-nuh) = Saturday


Unadodaqwaskvi - (oo-nah-doe-dah-qwah-sh-kuh-ee) = Sunday


Dehana - (day-ha-nah) = Come


Gasigilo - (gah-she-gee-low) = Table


Gasigilv - (gah-she-gee-luh) = Chair


Hatselido - (ha-say-lee-do) = Plate


Am Gugu - (ahm  goo-goo) = Water Bottle


Gayo'li - (gah-yo ' shli) = Little/Little Bit/Few


Agadv - (ah-gah-duh) = Alot


Udilegi - (oo-dee-lay-gee) = Hot


Uyvtsvhi - (oo-yuh-suh-he) = Cold


Hanitsvhi - (ha-nee-suh-he) = opposite


Talihvga - (tah-lee-huh-gah) = Stand Up


Dohadvne -(doe-ha-duh-nay) = What are you doing?


Digoiyusdi - (dee-go-ee-you-shtee) = Nothing


Tsiwoniha - (see-woe-nee-ha) = I'm Talking


Gedoha - (gay-doe-ha) = I'm walking


Detsonigi'a - (day-sew-nee-gee-ah) = I'm singing


tsigoliye'a - (see-go-lee-yea' ah) = I'm reading


Tsidoga - (see-doe-gah) = I'm standing


Gaditasga - (gah-dee-tah-sh-gah) = I'm drinking


Godvsga - (go-duh-s-gah) = I;m building a fire


Digilowistaniha - (dee-gee-low-wish-tah-nee-ha) = I'm working


Sty Digilowistaniha (shtee dee-gee-low-wish-tah-nee-ha) = I'm working hard


Gadowo'a -  (gah-doe-woe' ah) = I'm swimming


Uwonihisd - (oo-woe-nee-he-sht) = You speak